Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Faith

I can’t tell you how much I’ve pondered recently about my faith in Christ. I’ve thought about just how much it really makes sense to me. The truth doesn’t always tend to make sense though. When we experience truth in our lives, we tend to initially react either with clarity, indifference, or denial. When it comes to my faith in Christ, it’s the most clearest part of my life. Heck, it’s actually the most important truth in my life and I want to center my life around loving God and loving people.

I grew up in a Christian household so I admit my parents helped originate the faith I’ve come to know so well and accept. That being said, that doesn’t automatically mean they were soley responsible for what my faith has become today. My parents were and are indeed the most influential individuals in all of my 29.583 years of life so I’m not making light of their affect on my life. My point is that they didn’t ‘make’ me a Christian. The reason why I‘m currently a Bible believing Christ follower is because God has revealed Himself to me countless times throughout my life. He has exhibited Himself through my studies of the Bible, theology, world religions, science, history, and philosophy. He has also shown himself through His creation. This blog entry is not meant to be an apologetic(a defense of my faith) essay. The agenda of this entry is to share my highly reserved and paraphrased version of why I cherish my faith so much.

The Word states that God is the giver of true life. The creator of all existence. In my opinion, the Bible is completely accurate as to who I am, what I was, what I need, why I was made, where I’m going, and what I’m supposed to do with my one and only life. I can think of no other book that perfectly explains the human condition.

Christianity, by far, differentiates itself from every other faith on the premise of grace. All the other faiths require you to follow a list of directions, rules, laws, ordinances, or requirements in order for the individual to fulfill their greatest need. And yet what we’re all truly looking for is to be free from those decrees, accepted for who we are, loved right where we’re at, and to be part of something that’s much larger than ourselves.

Science is another beautiful thing that God created. It bothers me as to why some of the church is repulsed by it but that’s besides the point. When you take the time to actually study life and how it works through the eye-glasses of science, you're going to see God's design in such a remarkable way. I thought it humorous when I was told that the majority of secular scientists have to put all thoughts of design to the side when facing an object of question. Everything about it might scream design, but you can never pursue what your brain is determining as reason. This was from a well respectable scientist who has a Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics. I absolutely love how the heavens, the Earth, and human beings are so finely tuned in order for life to exist.

Through the test of time and immense opposition, the Word of God and His children have prevailed. Billions of Christians today ride on the coat-tails of those who went before us and paved the way through sacrafice, boldness, courage, and love. Yes, we've had those in the past who have been destructive while using the name of Christ but they were clearly influenzed by power and gain rather than by the love of Christ.

Lastly, philosophy. I am so intrigued by philosophy. The consequences of ideas are rivoting. The answer to our philosophical questions lie within the pages of scripture but that doesn’t mean everything written is easy to comprehend. I truly enjoy the challenge though and pray that the Lord will fill in the gaps where I find myself confused or without answer. I implore everyone of you to try your hardest to find answers to every one of your questions.